ODBC Manager 1.1 DEMO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright (C) 1995, The Leading Edge The Leading Edge is pleased to announce the release of version 1.1 of ODBC Manager - a comprehensive ODBC tool for both application developers and database users. ODBC Manager's strong UI, context sensitive help, high performance engine and feature-rich set of integrated ODBC tools make it a leader in the domain of ODBC tool suites. Here's what some of our beta-testers have said: "It's a tool that no ODBC user would want to be without." "A must-have for developers using ODBC to build industrial strength applications..." "Blows any other 3rd party ODBC tool vendors out of the water, even Microsoft's suite of tools provided with the (Level 2) ODBC SDK." "Increadibly stable & Blazing fast!" "The best UI I've seen with these types of tools" Beta testers are under a Non-Disclosure Agreement with The Leading Edge and can therefore not be identified. Here's a small list enumerating some of the features provided by ODBC Manager: o Complete ODBC Level 2 support o Spy/Trace Functionality - per task or multiple tasks - time per ODBC API - per ODBC API or multiple ODBC API's - ODBC API arguments - Core, Level 1 and Level 2 ODBC API's - able to display upto 999,999,999 rows of trace information and output an unlimited rows of trace information to disk - 16 bit Windows support only (32 bit support for NT and Windows95 will be available in Release 2, scheduled to be released in Q3, 1995 simultaneously with the release of Windows95) o Comprehensive Spy/Trace Analysis o Fast & Simple Ad-Hoc ODBC query functionality - save and open existing queries (*.sql files) capable of containing multiple SQL commands - able to display upto rows 999,999,999 by 999,999,999 columns of data for select queries o Complete Driver information for each ODBC datasource o Full database table & column information - all system tables, views, aliases and synonyms including priviledges - Foreign & Primary keys (ODBC Level 2) - References from a given column (ODBC Level 2) - References to a given column (ODBC Level 2) o Full Clipboard support, file-save and file-print o No source code modification is required to use any of the functions provided by the ODBC Manager The ODBC Manager demo is avalable on CompuServe (odbcman.zip in MSSQL forum) and on Internet (ftp.cica.indiana.edu /pub/pc/win3/demo/odbcman.zip). For more information, contact: The Leading Edge, 2391 Baxter Crescent, Burlington, Ontario, CANADA tel (905) 319-8063 CompuServe: 76311,1426 Internet: edge@wchat.on.ca